OV-10A Restoration

Any questions, comments, or problems, please email me.

The OV-10 Bronco Association
Just over eight years ago seven men sat together and envisioned the OV-10 Bronco Association and laid out a list of goals to be achieved by our fledgling museum. One of the goals was to restore to flying condition an OV-10. Until last spring, that last goal seemed far away, then, after seven years of dead ends, false starts and other delays and distractions, we finally were awarded not one but two OV-10s. Of course there were strings, like transfer fees, taking the airplanes apart, shipping and other challenges, but in the end you stepped up in many ways and as of today both OV-10s are safe and secure in Fort Worth.

If you are interested in helping out with this project, here is how - Help Wanted.doc

To read more about the project, check out their website: